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How to Ensure a Successful SharePoint Deployment


Many organizations see SharePoint as an answer to many issues they face. This can range from just turning on search and expecting to have good search results, to creating a SharePoint project site and hoping projects now track better or finish on time and under budget.

The truth about SharePoint, or any intranet platform for that matter, is it that it requires investment.

Here are four fundamental areas that need attention and investment in order to ensure a successful SharePoint deployment.

1. The PlatformInvestment in the platform is necessary to ensure a solid foundation that can scale as needed and support the activities envisioned.

2. GovernanceInvestment in governance ensures that SharePoint remains consistent and continues to be a business enabler.

3. ChangeInvest in change, don't just bring antiquated processes or network file shares into the new system.

4. PeopleInvest in people to properly train and communicate the expectations, benefits, and limits of SharePoint.

These fundamental principles are often ignored, undervalued, or considered a one time activity when planning a SharePoint implementation.  This is due to many factors--chief among them is budget constraints.  Often many planners skimp on or rob resources from these areas in order to get more done in others.  These early decisions have a ripple effect and will impact the platform for the remainder of its lifespan.  Once the platform has been in use and problems begin to arise these tenets and truths are then difficult to correct and implement.

The mindset that "we can manage it" or "that won't happen to us" frequently results in the organic and unchecked growth of SharePoint.  Perpetuating this misconception can lead to dire consequences later in the form of poor usability and adoption, poor search performance, and lack of content structure.  Additionally, the long-term management and performance of the back end infrastructure can grow unwieldy and inefficient.

When planning for the new future state, it is vital that investments in governance, change, and people are given the correct priority, funding, and time.  Protecting these areas from being drained into other sections ensures the platform will remain true to its original intent and business purpose and that it can change with the organization without yet another complete and costly overhaul.  The most important thing an executive sponsor or business owner can do is to help secure adequate resources in these fundamental areas.  Doing so will help ensure a successful SharePoint deployment that can last for years. 

To learn more about how to succeed with your SharePoint deployment, talk to one of our SharePoint inconsultants today!

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